In last chapter, we seen that Government of USA has arranged an group called "volunteers of America" to help roadside people.
Judy is one of the member of that group.An old man was came towards him.
In this chapter,we will discuss about conversation between Judy and old man, flashback of old man. Let's start..
While an old came towards Judy with full of happiness and excitement,Judy asks to that man "Who are you?".That old man says that I am Alvero Gunsia. My native is Mexico.I was feels so happy during with my family and friends.
Life goes smoothly,but one day I feel so weak and tired.I got some noises in my mind.That noises says my weakness only. My parents admitted me in a medical institute in Mexico.
Medical institute
After taking some medical tests,the doctor says that I was affected by "Schizophrenia". There is no prevention or medicine for this disease.
The doctors gave me a shock treatment.But I don't like that. So I came to USA and residing in roadsides.
After Judy know about Alvero Gunsia,he got sympathy on Alvero Gunsia. There is an another reason for Judy joined in this work that is,his parents also has mental issues and died. Judy starts doing help to Alvero Gunsia.
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